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First Aid When Sprained Ankle

Frequent wearing high heels, running, or jumping can make ankles prone to sprains. If you are experiencing it, let's try the following steps so that a sprained foot can heal immediately. Sprained ankles occur when the ligaments (strong connective tissue that connects bones) to the leg are injured. Ligaments function to help stabilize joints and prevent excessive movement. The position of the legs that change or rotate suddenly, can make the ligaments stretch too far or even tear. Similarly, if you set your foot at the wrong angle or use too much force, the ligaments can jerk.

Here's the Sprain Relief

Sprained ankles are divided into three levels, namely mild, moderate, and severe. Fortunately, mild and moderate ankle sprains can heal on their own. To speed healing, you can do the following:
  • Rest the ankle joint for 2-3 days after a sprain. But that does not mean you can not move at all. You can do some physical activity, but not too heavy. It is recommended not to run or jump until you can walk without aching feet. Also, don't force your ankles to keep moving and don't walk too far or too long. It's better to stand and walk around a short distance house, even if you use crutches.
  • Protect the sprained ankle so that the injury is not sustainable. You can band the sprained ankle with an elastic bandage for at least 48 hours (can be less or more). The point is to limit swelling and help the joints relax. Do not wrap the ankle with a bandage that is too tight because it can restrict blood flow to the feet. If the toes change color, tingling, or numbness, immediately open the bandage.
  • Compress ankles sprained with ice water. The goal, to reduce pain and swelling. Cold compress the injured area as soon as possible for 20 to 30 minutes, 3-4 times a day. This is done for the first 48 hours or until the swelling deflates. If you use ice cubes, do not stick directly to the skin.
  • Lift the ankle until the sprained leg is higher than the chest when lying down. The aim is to help limit and reduce swelling and bruising. The trick, lie down on the sofa or bed and put your feet on a pile of pillows. If this is not possible, the feet can be raised at hip height when sitting in a chair. Keep in mind, do not use bandages when the foot is raised. Why? Because bandages can limit blood flow to the legs.
  • If the pain is severe enough, you can take painkillers, such as paracetamol.
  • Within 72 hours after a sprain, it is recommended not to take a hot bath, sauna, drink alcohol, run, or massage the sprained ankle. It is feared if these things are done, it can cause bleeding and worsen the swelling, inhibit the healing process, and cause further damage.
  • Do stretching exercises if the doctor recommends.
As mentioned above, mild sprains can heal on their own. However, if the affected leg does not heal in two or three days, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately. Especially if the pain or swelling gets worse, there are open sores, signs of infection appear, or you can't stand at all.
